No matter what you've gone through,
there is healing for you on the other side.
No matter the journey you have ahead, with the right support,
you can move through it with confidence and grace.
~ Natalee Facey
Book a 1:1 Session to:
Support You in Your Emotional Healing, Prepare for Pregnancy, Reduce Your Risk of Complications, or Prepare for Childbirth
Healing After A Loss or Infertility Diagnosis:
​Identify and release unresolved emotions being stored in the body
Learn how to overcome triggers, painful memories, and difficult emotions as they arise
Move from a state of shame or guilt to greater and greater peace
Restore your trust in your body
Uncover your body's blueprint and the healing modalities the work best for you
While Preparing for Pregnancy or Trying to Conceive:
Learn what your "must-haves" are to create a greater sense of safety in your pregnancy journey
Identify and release fears related to pregnancy, childbirth, loss, or parenting
Optimize the impact of your fertility treatments through doing your emotional and mental healing
Reduce stress, anxiety, or tension from your body as they negatively impact conception and fertility
Create a self-care rhythm that will support you during pregnancy and beyond
During Pregnancy & Preparing for Childbirth
Reduce your risk of stress-related pregnancy complications such as preterm birth, preeclampsia or your baby being born with a low birth-weight
Receive support to prepare for or release built-up emotions after triggering appointments/events
Learn how to advocate for your needs with your medical team, family, or partner
Support your body in creating the right internal environment for your baby to thrive in
Connect with your baby and prepare for childbirth (Your partner is welcome to attend childbirth prep sessions)
Sliding Scale (or Flex) Rates:
Sliding scale or flex rates are available if you're experiencing financial hardship. The "$75 - $150" links above will allow you to schedule your session, then pay the amount that's most accessible to you within the sliding scale range.
Feel free to email me at hello@nataleefacey.com with questions.
Interested in Receiving Ongoing Support:
I offer ongoing support while you're working through your healing or during pregnancy. This allows you to build on the tools you'll be learning and feel more confident on your journey knowing you'll always have me in your corner. Ongoing Support Programs Include:
Healing The Warrior Within: Month-to-month or ongoing support while you heal and/or prepare for pregnancy. LEARN MORE
Homecoming: Month-to-month or ongoing support during pregnancy and after childbirth. LEARN MORE